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Print Preview Crashes

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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by win568neu »

Hi Salvador

The "normal" Download of Files works. But if you are in the Pdf Previewer and Press the Download Button, than it comes to an Exception and the Application closes. In the Callstack, i see the Function libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded and GetHandleverifier which are constantly called. I send you the Stacktrace:

:4ba2655b libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x1761E2B
:4f143c28 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x4E7F4F8
:4f143b16 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x4E7F3E6
:4f1451eb libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x4E80ABB
:4a1d61cd libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0xA633D
:4a1c701d libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x9718D
:4a088053 libcef.IsSandboxedProcess + 0x10623
:4a1ccd26 libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x9CE96
:4a1ce2cc libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x9E43C
:4a1caecd libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x9B03D
:4a1cabcd libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x9AD3D
:4a39be05 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0xD76D5
:4a39b8d7 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0xD71A7
:75963453 user32.Ordinal2713 + 0x6B3
:759542a6 user32.CallWindowProcW + 0x716
:75953d2a user32.CallWindowProcW + 0x19A
:759610d7 user32.InitDManipHook + 0x577
:77b28e0d ntdll.KiUserCallbackDispatcher + 0x4d
:4fa4ca61 libcef.sqlite3_dbdata_init + 0x39CDD1
:4a56b0cf libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x2A699F
:4a1c5bb3 libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0x95D23
:4a1d18a3 libcef.RelaunchChromeBrowserWithNewCommandLineIfNeeded + 0xA1A13
:4f142936 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x4E7E206
:4f1426db libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x4E7DFAB
:4fc41763 libcef.sqlite3_dbdata_init + 0x591AD3
:4fcbcd54 libcef.sqlite3_dbdata_init + 0x60D0C4
:5094969a libcef.sqlite3_dbdata_init + 0x1299A0A
:50f28bc7 libcef.sqlite3_dbdata_init + 0x1878F37
:4e2a1cf1 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x3FDD5C1
:4d52e30a libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x3269BDA
:4d5330a0 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x326E970
:4d532eb3 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x326E783
:4cb0f41b libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x284ACEB
:4cb166ce libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x2851F9E
:4b917743 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x1653013
:4ba5344d libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x178ED1D
:4b90ba15 libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0x16472E5
:49e5de3b libcef.cef_time_from_basetime + 0xB1902B
:4a2d158c libcef.GetHandleVerifier + 0xCE5C
:49e81c24 libcef.cef_time_from_basetime + 0xB3CE14
:492ae297 libcef.cef_zip_reader_create + 0x67867
:49e58e5e libcef.cef_time_from_basetime + 0xB1404E
:76777ba9 KERNEL32.BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x19
:77b1be3b ntdll.RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x6b
:77b1bdbf ntdll.RtlClearBits + 0xbf
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by salvadordf »

I tried to reproduce this issue with cefclient, MiniBrowser and BriskBard but I couldn't make them crash.

Please, check that the CEF binaries used by the application were copied from the "Release" and "Resources" directories. Sometimes using the binaries from the "Debug" directory cause unexpected issues.

Provide a step by step guide to reproduce this issue in my computer with one of the demos.
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by win568neu »

Hi Salvador

I already had problems and therefore only use the CEF binaries from the specified directories.
Our application is more like the TabbedBrowser. I will therefore try to reproduce the problem with your demo application.

I'm currently still working on our IDE experts, but hope to get it done this week.
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by win568neu »

Hi Salvador

Good News. I found the issue. I used the wrong handle for a window message. Therefore an exception occurred during the download. Now the download also works
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by win568neu »

Hi Salvador

When I view a PDF file in the CEF PDF plugin and press the download button, a popup appears that contains the file name and 2 buttons for opening the folder and viewing the file respectively.
How can you deactivate this? I have already set Downloadbubble to STATE_DISABLED but unfortunately it still shows that
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by salvadordf »

I just uploaded a fix for this issue to GitHub.
Please, download CEF4Delphi again.
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by win568neu »

Hi Salvador

Thank you very much. Now it works.

You told me to report problems to you. If the download bubble is displayed and you click on the "Open button", then it crashes in libcef.dll.

It's irrelevant to me at the moment because we display the ad differently.
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Re: Print Preview Crashes

Post by salvadordf »

Thanks for reporting this issue!

I still can't reproduce that crash using cefclient, MiniBrowser or BriskBard. I'll keep doing more tests.
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